2024-2025 Competitive Grants Program FAQs
In order to support applicants in submitting a competitive grant application, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions.
Please email grants@traveloregon.com with any additional questions you may have, so we can answer them and add them to this page as a resource for others.
Q: How do I complete the alternate Travel Oregon W9?
A: To complete the alternate W9, first please select your tax classification, PART I question 3. Selecting the accurate classification will make the necessary fillable fields available to edit.
Q: Can we act as a fiscal sponsor for a for-profit business we have been partnering with?
A: Yes, you can. As the eligible applying entity you may only submit one application. If you have identified a need through this partnership that aligns with the Grant Guidelines, you may apply.
Q: Can an organization submit one sole application and still be a partner on a larger collective application?
A: Yes, an organization may submit their own application and be a collaborator on a partner’s project, we encourage collaboration to maximize impact in your respective communities. However, each applicant organization may only submit one LOI per cycle as the lead applicant.
Q: We were awarded a grant in 2023-2025, are we eligible for this cycle?
A: Yes, you would be eligible to apply for this cycle of funding if your entity still qualifies under the eligible entity type. If your older grant is not part of an open cycle, you will have to close the old grant prior to the receipt of any funds if your project is selected for an award during the 2024-2025 Competitive Grants Cycle.
Online System/Tech Support
Q: Once I start the letter of intent or application, will I be able to save my work and return at another time?
A: Yes. You will create an account through our online application system. Accessing the letter of intent form and application through a secure login will enable you to save the application and return at a later time to complete. However, once you submit your letter of intent or application, you cannot make changes to it. You will only be able to view your submission.
Q: How many times can I submit an LOI?
A: An entity may only submit an LOI a total of two times. If your initial LOI is partially successful, feedback will be provided to you with a note to resubmit. From there, your LOI will either be successful, and you will be invited to submit a full application, or your LOI will be unsuccessful and you will not be invited to submit a full application. Full application submissions are final and may not be resubmitted.
Q: Can I view the application questions before I access the actual application?
A: Yes. We encourage you to download the application questions before you begin the application so you can have everything ready to go. Asking a proof-reader to review your answers before you complete the application is also highly recommended.
Q: I have a project idea that is not on the list of eligible projects in the grant guidelines. Should I still apply for funding?
A: Yes, you can. Travel Oregon provided a starting list of example projects in the Grant Guidelines that align with the overall program goals. These projects were selected based on a number of factors, including: survey feedback, stakeholder requests for funding and alignment with Travel Oregon’s priority strategies.
Q: Where the proposed grant project involves infrastructure/building improvements for ADA access, is it allowed to be for a privately owned building? For example, a Main Street Organization using funds for a building renovation that is owned by a private entity.
A: Yes, this would be considered an eligible project.
Q: What category of funding would adaptation of a website to become more accessible fall under?
A: Tourism promotion which increases access and inclusion.
Q: Are bridges on trails eligible for funding?
A: Access improvements of the entrance to a trailhead are eligible for funding. If the bridge helps to create access to the trailhead or is connected to an access point to the trail, then it would be eligible.
Q: The title of the grant program is 2024-2025 Competitive Grants Program. When will the next application be available?
A: Travel Oregon anticipates opening another Competitive Grants cycle in late 2025 or early 2026.
Q: Our project will require us to do an RFP. Would the project start be considered when the RFP is released, or would the project start be considered once the proposal is signed?
A: Project activities may begin prior to when you are notified of the status of your application. However, awarded grant dollars cannot be used to cover costs incurred prior to the announcement of funding decisions on June 17, 2025, and they may not cover costs past the project completion deadline of November 3, 2026.
Budget/Proof of Spending
Q: Can grant dollars awarded be used to hire and/or expand staff to build capacity?
A: Dollars from this grant program must be used to support tourism infrastructure or tourism promotion projects. This typically does not involve the hiring of new staff, however some staff time may be required to support project implementation. This is not a capacity building or general operations grant: budgets that show large staff costs, rather than project costs, may not be competitive enough to receive funding.
Q: Can you describe what constitutes proof of spending with the final report?
A: Proof of spending refers to all invoice and receipt documentation generated by a project expense to be covered by grant dollars.
Q: Can the budget include contractor or consultant fees?
A: Yes, it can. Please be as specific as possible in the budget to support your proposals narrative, clearly identifying the budgetary line items that will be covered by the Travel Oregon grant award is encouraged.
Review Process
Q: How will projects be selected for funding? Is there a review committee, and if so, is that membership public? Is there a scoring criteria? Is there a geographic distribution requirement (rural/urban, etc.)?
A: Applications will be reviewed by an internal cross-departmental committee of experts at Travel Oregon. These internal evaluators will utilize a scoring rubric informed by criteria identified in the grant Guidelines. It is important for Travel Oregon to consider the geographic makeup of the State, as well as alignment with the priorities stated in the program guidelines as they consider funding recommendations.
Q: What is a DMO?
A: A DMO is a Destination Marketing/Management Organization, for more information on DMO’s please click here: https://industry.traveloregon.com/resources/tourism-in-oregon/destination-management-organizations/
Q: What is the difference between eligible and competitive?
A: Eligibility criteria are structured, yes/no evaluations that determine if the applicant meets minimum requirements to submit their project idea for consideration. The level of competitiveness for a given application is related to how successfully the proposal aligns with the priorities and goals of the grant program. This assessment is undertaken by a committee of trained reviewers and takes place in the context of the entire portfolio of submissions in any given application cycle.
Q: What is the definition of a visitor?
A: Travel Oregon defines a visitor as a person traveling more than 50 miles to reach a destination or a person utilizing an overnight stay at a destination. While successful projects should take into account the needs and capacity of immediate community members, proposals for this grant program must have a component of consideration for enhancing, expanding or promoting visitor experiences.
Q: Are letters of support part of the application process?
A: There is not an option to include letters of support during the LOI stage. If you are invited to submit the full application, support letters can be uploaded in the Supplemental Documents section. Letters of support are not required but are encouraged as a component to developing a strong application.