Equity Statement
Travel Oregon is committed to ensuring that our work helps Oregon become a more equitable destination, so all who travel the state can enjoy their journey and feel welcome.
Our work aligns with how we value Oregon and all of its communities, our staff and our industry partners. We define equity as: when all people have equal access to resources to potentially reach the same outcomes. To that end, we want all people to have access to enjoyable travels throughout Oregon.
We are committed to the following shared values:
- Understanding what equity is and acknowledging that not all people have the same starting point.
- Being life-long learners regarding equity and committing to the necessary repair work when we misstep.
- Working to ensure our intent aligns with our impact.
Travel Oregon is growing in our understanding of the myriad intersecting identities people hold and how some identities are rooted in systems of oppression. We aim to remove barriers from all travelers. Addressing equity through an exploration of people’s held identities helps us to build a stronger more unified community—a community where we see race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religion, visible and invisible disabilities, socio-economic status, and all the intersecting identities therein, and we know that in these differences lies our strength.