Capacity & Small Project Grants FAQs
We want to make sure you are equipped to submit a competitive grant application so below is a list of frequently asked questions.
Please email with any additional questions you may have, so we can answer them and add them to this page as a resource for others.
Q: How do I complete the alternate Travel Oregon W9?
A: To complete the alternate W9, first please select your tax classification, PART I question 3. Selecting the accurate classification will make the necessary fillable fields available to edit
Q: Can we act as a fiscal sponsor for an organization we have been partnering with?
A: Yes, you can. As the eligible applying entity you may only submit one application. If you have identified a need through this partnership that aligns with the Grant Guidelines, you may apply choosing between a capacity or small project request.
Q: We have identified a need for technical assistance, does the grant restrict this type of support to hiring a consultant?
A: No it does not, you may utilize grant funds to bring on a staff member. Please note that this is a one-time investment that must be spent within 12 months.
Q: Will highlighting other sources of funding make my proposal more competitive?
A: There is no matching requirement for this grant program, other sources of funding will not influence the decision for an award.
Q: The proposal I have in mind will not commence until September 2023, can we still apply for these dollars?
A: Yes, you can. The project start date can be later in the year, you must be able to show that you will utilize the grant dollars by the project completion deadline, December 31, 2023.
Q: I have an idea for a proposal but need support developing it, am I able to speak with a Travel Oregon team member who has expertise in the area?
A: Yes, you can. Travel Oregon staff are aware of the funding opportunity and welcome a conversation. Please reach out to them directly or email to be connected.
Q: Can I add supporting documents to my application? For example, letters of support from local business partners.
A: Yes, you can. In the “Supplemental” section you may add up to 2 supporting documents. Please note supporting documents are not required to be considered eligible for an award.
Q: I am an eligible economic development agency, should I utilize the agency’s tourism budget or our overall budget?
A: You will utilize the agency’s overall budget.
Q: Is there a minimum grant request?
A: No. Travel Oregon will fund small investments (suggested would be at least $500) and all applications will be evaluated under the same criteria.
Q: Can entities submit multiple applications (for example: one capacity application and one small project application)?
A: No, only one application may be submitted per entity. Entities will need to choose between a capacity request or small project request. Keep in mind that Travel Oregon will return to project-based funding in spring of 2023.
Q; My business or non-profit is not eligible to apply for funding, but I have a valuable project idea that would fit into one of the capacity building categories. Will Travel Oregon open a future round of grants that support capacity building for a broader range of applicants?
A: Travel Oregon understands that capacity building is a need throughout the tourism industry. Depending upon the response to this funding opportunity, a future cycle that includes a broader range of eligible applicants may be developed. Consider reaching out to your local Destination Marketing/Management Organization or one of the federally recognized tribes and sharing your project idea with them. This may open an avenue for partnering!