External Funding Opportunities
As Travel Oregon is made aware of funding opportunities and grants in the travel and tourism industry, they will be shared here.
The following opportunities are currently available:
Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants
- The Community Change Grants will fund community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities through thoughtful implementation.
- See program description for eligible applicants.
- Deadline: November 21, 2024
Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant Program
- To award competitive grants for context-sensitive projects that improve walkability and safety and provide affordable transportation access; to mitigate or remediate negative impacts on the human or natural environment in disadvantaged communities from a surface transportation facility; and for planning and capacity building activities in disadvantaged or underserved communities.
- Eligible entities include States and territories of the United States, units of local governments, political subdivisions of a State, Federally recognized Tribal governments, special purpose districts or public authorities with a transportation function, metropolitan planning organizations, nonprofit organizations or institutions of higher education.
- Deadline: Contact the headquarters or regional location, as appropriate for application deadlines
Travel Oregon has been made aware of opportunities from our partners. This is a selective list of trainings and funding that aligns with our work in the travel and leisure sector. We do not manage these opportunities and highly encourage you to contact the organizations directly with any questions.
Have a funding opportunity to share? Complete the form below.
Additional Resources
Working with Federal Land Manager to Fund Trails on Federal Lands
Recreation staff from the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Regional Offices talk about the different colors of federal funds that can be utilized for trails and related amenities. Learn more about how to work with local district staff to get trails projects on priority lists and how to pursue Cost Share Agreements for stewardship partners to participate in the work.
View the webinar recording here.

Share a Funding Opportunity
Know of an opportunity? Share it with Travel Oregon and we'll help spread the word.

Grant Writing Workshops
As we're made aware of grant writing trainings, we'll share them here.