2024-2025 Oregon Wine Country License Plates Matching Grant FAQs
We want to make sure you are equipped to submit a competitive grant application so below is a list of frequently asked questions.
Please email grants@traveloregon.com with any additional questions you may have, so we can answer them and add them to this page as a resource for others.
Q: What is a familiarization tour (FAM)?
A: FAM tours are organized trips that bring industry professionals (typically media, tour operators, and travel agents) into a community to experience things firsthand. Experiences include, but are not limited to, activities, events, locations etc., the goal is to familiarize these professionals with the experience to support better promotion of the offering.
Q: Are contractor and/or professional services costs eligible expenses under the grant criteria?
A: Yes, contractor and professional service expenses are eligible costs, these must be necessary costs tied directly to the project.
Q: Can two organizations come together with separate grant proposals to fund one bigger project?
A: Yes, two organizations can submit separate proposals to fund one project. The proposals must show strong alignment with each other.
***Tip: Consider utilizing the ‘Collaboration’ feature in the top right-hand side of your application to invite a collaborator from the partner organization to review elements of your proposal.
Q: Can planned revenue for an event be counted as the cash match or does it already need to be secured?
A: Planned revenue for an event cannot be used as a match. All cash being used as a match needs to be secured. You may indicate secured monies by making a note in the budget or upload supporting documentation for the secured funds.
Q: Is there a standard rate suggested to determine an estimate for in-kind volunteer time when budgeting for my project?
A: Best practice suggests the rate should be commensurate with the rate paid for similar work performed by an organization’s employee. Individuals providing professional services can bill at their own rate or you may utilize Oregon minim wage rates.
Q: What is the document that I need to upload in order to show proof of my Federal Tax ID?
A: Proof of Federal Tax ID is a copy of the letter from the Internal Revenue Service showing your Federal Tax ID number.
If you are a tax exempt non-profit organization, and you can not find your Affirmation Letter, you may contact the IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities Customer Account Services at 877-829-5500 to request an Affirmation Letter.
If you are a government entity in order to show proof of Federal Tax ID, you would include your Governmental Information Letter. As a special service to government entities, the IRS will issue a “governmental information letter” free of charge. This letter describes government entity exemption from Federal income tax and cites applicable Internal Revenue Code sections pertaining to deductible contributions and income exclusion. Government entities can request a governmental information letter by calling 877-829-5500.
All grant applicants should be prepared to show proof of EIN (CP 575 or replacement Form 147c).
Q: How do I complete the alternate Travel Oregon W9?
A: To complete the alternate W9, first please select your tax classification, PART I question 3. Selecting the accurate classification will make the necessary fillable fields available to edit.
Q: I have an idea for a proposal but need support developing it, am I able to speak with a Travel Oregon team member who has expertise in the area?
A: Yes, you can. Travel Oregon staff are aware of the funding opportunity and welcome a conversation. Please reach out to them directly or email grants@traveloregon.com to be connected.
Q: Is there a minimum grant request?
A: No. Travel Oregon will fund small investments (suggested would be at least $1,000) and all applications will be evaluated under the same criteria.
Q: Can entities submit multiple applications?
A: Yes, two applications may be submitted per entity. You will need to complete each application separately and will be asked to select which application is your 1st priority and which application is your 2nd priority.