Ready, Set, Gorge!
The Columbia River Gorge hosts more than 2 million visitors a year, according to the U.S. Forest Service. Visitation often exceeds the automobile capacity along the Historic Columbia River Highway. Parking and traffic congestion is degrading the visitor experience and causing safety problems.
Below are key messages that both locals and tourists can relate to about how to safely and enjoyably travel (drive, hike and bike) the highway. Find the entire plan here:
1) There are more options than ever before to explore the Historic Columbia River Highway without a car.
2) To truly experience the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area the way it was meant to be experienced:
- Go Early – Start you trip before 10 a.m. to beat the crowds and enjoy the afternoon exploring one of the amazing Gorge communities.
- Go East – Explore the lesser-known and equally beautiful hiking trails and waterfalls in the eastern Gorge.
- Go by Bike – Enjoy breathtaking views, abundant wildflowers and world-class trails.
- Go Midweek – Visit the Gorge at a slower pace by visiting Tuesday–Thursday. The weekends are the busiest times to visit the Gorge, especially between April and October. You’ll avoid crowds if you can visit mid-week. Even better, consider planning a midweek multi-day stay to check out the towns, museums, wineries and other attractions throughout the Scenic Area.
3) Before heading out, check the traffic, weather and trail conditions, and plan accordingly.
Please share the key messages in your communication channels to spread the word. This Social Sharing Guide includes sample web copy and social media posts.
Download from Dropbox some of Travel Oregon’s rights free images of the Columbia River Gorge to use in your communications (credit should be given to the photographer listed in the image name).
Learn more about how to “Make it Fun. Make it Safe,” at ReadySetGorge.com.