Destination Ready Program
Partnering with Oregon’s tourism destinations to bolster key tourism products and experiences that will aid in destination recovery and resiliency.
The application period for the 2021-22 cycle is now closed.
Eleven communities were selected to move forward in the 2021-22 cycle. View the announcement.
2021-22 Destination Ready Program Overview
Communities will work with Travel Oregon and expert consultants over a four-month period to develop a destination assessment that identifies key visitor experiences, and projects that will bolster assets central to that experience; Travel Oregon will also provide a high-level baseline report to support this process. Communities that participate in this program will also receive direct support from consultants to develop funding proposals to make progress on completing destination projects based on the assessment results.
This program is geared towards destinations seeking technical assistance to identify strategic product development opportunities and consultant support to develop competitive funding proposals. Entities eligible to serve as the lead applicant for this year’s process are limited to Destination Marketing/Management Organizations, Chambers of Commerce and Oregon’s nine federally recognized tribal governments.
View the 2021-22 Program Overview document for more information.
Program deliverables include:
- Baseline report for each destination, led by Travel Oregon and consultants.
- Destination Ready Assessment – a strategic assessment of key product development opportunities and assets.
- Financial stipend to offset time dedicated to this process by the lead applicant.
- Consultant technical assistance to enhance capacity and expertise for communities.
- Access to potential funding for high-quality projects in alignment with assessment outcomes and support to develop funding proposals.
There is no cost to communities to participate in this program and a small stipend will be provided to the lead applicant of each awarded destination to support organizational capacity to lead the process and assemble a collaborative team of local stakeholders.