John Day River Territory
Rural Tourism Studio
The John Day River Territory Rural Tourism Studio focused on 19 farming and ranching communities in a four-county area in Eastern Oregon.
The John Day River Territory Rural Tourism Studio was developed in response to the destination’s desire to consolidate the efforts of many isolated communities and focus on regional branding, large-scale events and bicycle tourism.
John Day River Territory Rural Tourism Studio highlights:
- 33 local tourism stakeholders and residents participated in seven workshops between October 2010 and January 2011. Workshop topics included Community Visioning, Culinary and Agritourism Development, Cultural Tourism Development, Nature-based Tourism Development, High Impact Event Planning, Rural Tourism Marketing and Fundraising and Teaming for Success.
- Participants drafted a 15-Year Community Tourism Vision for the John Day River Territory.
- Fifty stakeholders participated in a one-day Bicycle Tourism Studio in 2012 to help promote the 174.4-mile Old West Scenic Bikeway.
- Thirty-three local tourism stakeholders and residents participated in two two-day workshops in May of 2015 in the towns of Condon and John Day. Workshop topics included Agritourism Market Trends, Local Asset Identification, Attributes of Successful Agritourism Businesses, State and Regional Marketing Efforts and Local Tourism Training. Workshop notes, presentations, outreach materials and other resources can be viewed on the John Day River Territory Culinary & Agritourism Studio Resources page.
- In June 2017, the John Day River Territory held a one-day tourism business marketing workshop.
Studio Outcomes & Success Stories:
- In 2019, the John Day River Territory identified the opportunity to develop a farm loop in its destination that will eventually be included into the family of existing farm loops that have been developed through the Eastern Oregon Visitors Association (EOVA). To support this effort, the John Day River Territory community identified an initial set of businesses to include into the upcoming farm loop and develop a draft of what an eventual visitor brochure could look like. The community is excited to see this project come to life during the months ahead.
- The region worked with Travel Oregon to develop a sub-regional landing page on TravelOregon.com to drive visitors to one location to find trip planning resources.
- Travel Oregon awarded the John Day River Territory Rural Tourism Studio community a $10,000 Tourism Studio Matching Grant in 2012 to implement projects related to outreach and itinerary development.
- Travel Oregon awarded the John Day River Territory community a $5,000 tourism studio follow up grant in 2016 to implement projects related to informational kiosks.
- Travel Oregon produced the Communities Powered by Travel: John Day River Territory in April 2014.
For more information about the John Day River Territory Tourism Studio, contact Rachel Weinstein at Gilliam County Community Development Department.
Results of Phase One Action Team Implementation
November 2012 – May 2015
The John Day River Territory Rural Tourism Studio resulted in significant regional collaboration, new product development and increased capacity for tourism.
Regional Branding
Attendees of the John Day River Territory Rural Tourism Studio identified regional branding as a priority impact area for the destination. Initial project work began with the idea to connect diverse communities to the newly minted Eastern Oregon Visitors Association (EOVA) brand by integrating local and regional marketing efforts into a cohesive strategy.
Key project highlights include:
- Increased participation in EOVA regional marketing efforts by new and established businesses, including the 2012 Feast Portland event
- A reported increase in sales by local businesses, especially in culinary tourism, tied to participation in Feast
- Increased exposure from visiting travel writers attending a Condon-based culinary event
- Development of new travel itineraries for bicycle, motorcycle and car
- Addition of the town of Mitchell to the Journey Through Time Scenic Byway
A case study on the John Day River Territory community’s efforts to increase its regional branding was developed by Write to Know Consulting in February 2015.
“Prior to having our regional brand, each of the businesses worked with EOVA independently, but we didn’t work together to package and refer. Now we are so much more knowledgeable and connected.”
— Kara Anglin Wilson, Wilson Ranches Retreat
Bicycle Tourism Development
Attendees of the original John Day River Territory Rural Tourism Studio had identified bicycle tourism as a priority impact area for the destination. In 2012, 50 local stakeholders participated in a one-day Bicycle Tourism Studio to help promote the 174.4-mile Old West Scenic Bikeway, which was designated as an Oregon Scenic Bikeway in 2011.
Key project highlights include:
- Successful piloting of “Two Wheels Spoken Here,” which is now the statewide “Bike-friendly Business” program
- Creation of a brochure to promote side routes and local businesses to visitors
- Increased sales reported by businesses along the route from new visitors to the area
- Development of new bicycle-related businesses
- Travel Oregon published “How to Ride the Old West Scenic Bikeway in Five Days” trip idea in August 2012 on TravelOregon.com to highlight the local assets and opportunities discussed during the workshops.
- Hosting the popular Cycle Oregon event in 2013
- Local representation at the Seattle Bicycle Expo trade show in 2013
A case study on the John Day River Territory community’s efforts to designate the Old West Scenic Bikeway was developed by Write to Know Consulting in February 2015.
“The Rural Tourism Studio was the catalyst for building understanding of tourism marketing and fostering better communication both internally within the sub-region as well as with the RDMO.”
— Alice Trindle, Eastern Oregon Visitors Association
High Impact Event
In 2013, attendees of the original John Day River Territory Rural Tourism Studio applied key learnings to support large-scale event development for an extreme sporting event in the town of Fossil (pop. 466).
Key project highlights include:
- Successful hosting of the Tough Mudder, a national extreme sporting event, including favorable reviews from the national organization
- Visitation of 5,000 to 6,000 visitors in a single weekend
- Increased exposure of the area as a destination
- A total of $12,000 raised for scholarships and sports teams at local schools
- Local sourcing of services and employment, including the re-opening of a shuttered restaurant
A case study on the John Day River Territory community’s efforts to host a high impact event was developed by Write to Know Consulting in February 2015.
Rural Tourism Studio
Workshops that help rural communities develop and offer high-value, authentic experiences to travelers—in a sustainable, manageable way.
Travel Oregon offers Rural Tourism Studios to help communities build their appeal as visitor destinations with on-the-ground guidance, training and support tailored to each destination’s unique offerings.