The Oregon Lodging Statistics report includes hotel data for the US, Pacific Region (which includes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California and Hawaii), Oregon as well as each of our seven tourism regions. This report includes month-specific data at the top, followed by year-to-date data and then running 12 months. STR uses running data to smooth out seasonality and to better identify the underlying trends. Running 12-Month data is a representation of the data for the current month and the previous 11 months. (e.g. running 12 months for February 2021 would include Jan. 2020 – Feb. 2021).
*Please note that STR reports include self-reported survey data. On a daily, weekly and monthly basis, STR processes performance data from hotels all around the world. This data is submitted straight from the source: chain headquarters, management companies, owners and directly from independent hotels. The data is checked for accuracy and for adherence to their reporting guidelines.