Sunset at Haystack Rock by Joni Kabana
The Oregon Tourism Commission (OTC), doing business as Travel Oregon, was formed in 1995 and granted semi-independent agency status in 2003 by the Oregon state legislature. Funded by the 1.5% statewide transient lodging tax, Travel Oregon carries out statewide work as the official destination management organization — directly investing 30% into Oregon’s tourism industry and communities through the dedicated Regional Cooperative Tourism Program and competitive grants program.
In June 2022, the OTC adopted the Travel Oregon 10-Year Strategic Vision, serving as a high-level road map to guide Travel Oregon over the next decade in the destination management work we undertake — from advertising campaigns and sales promotions, to projects we develop alongside the industry, grant dollars we deploy and hiring decisions we make.
Guided by the strategic vision, the current state of Oregon tourism and global circumstances and stakeholder and partner input, Travel Oregon will continue to develop biennial plans and budgets for OTC approval.