Recreation sites on the Middle Fork Ranger District temporarily closed due to the Middle Fork Complex fires

August 3, 2021

Oakridge, Ore., Aug. 2. 2021 — Officials issued an emergency area closure for the Middle Fork Complex fires north of Oakridge, Ore., on the Willamette National Forest. The Middle Fork Complex is made up of multiple, individual fires, with six fires at 100% containment, in the Fall Creek, Hills Creek Reservoir, and north of Huckleberry areas, and ranging in size from less than an acre to 300-plus acres. All roads, trails, developed recreation sites, dispersed camping, and entering of National Forest System Lands within the closure area are prohibited for the protection of public health and safety.

The following roads and recreations sites are closed to the public:

  • Roads: Forest Road 1802, Forest Road 1816, Forest Road 1817, Forest Road 1818, Forest Road 1821, Forest Road 1824, Forest Road 1825, Forest Road 1828, Forest Road 1830, Forest Road 1831, Forest Road 1832, Forest Road 1833, Forest Road 1834, Forest Road 1835, Forest Road 1839, Forest Road 1912.
  • Campgrounds: Dolly Varden Campground, Big Pool Campground, Broken Bowl Campground, Clark Creek Organizational Camp, Bedrock Campground, Puma Campground.
  • Trails and Trailheads: Fall Creek Trail (closed by a separate Forest Closure Order), Clark Creek Nature Trail, Johnny Creek Nature Trail, Hehe Mountain Trailhead, Gold Point Trailhead, Saddle Blanket, Cowhorn Mountain, Tall Trees Trail, Jones Upper and Jones Lower trailheads, Jones Trail, Alpine Trail and Trailheads, Elk Camp Trailhead.
  • Other Recreation Sites: Little Cowhorn Lookout, Timber Butte Lookout, Saddle Blanket Mountain.

Campfires are still prohibited on the entire Willamette National Forest due to very high fire danger and ongoing active fires. Portable cooking stoves and lanterns using liquefied or bottled fuel (like propane) are still allowed as they can be instantly switched off. Find more information on fire restrictions on the Willamette National Forest, a detailed map, and the official closure order at Follow the Middle Fork Complex on Facebook at for the latest updates on these fires.

Contact: Tammy T. Robinson, (541) 650-2765

Travel Oregon continues to update the industry-facing Oregon Wildfire Information page and Travel Alerts. Please direct your networks and visitors to the appropriate pages for messaging needs and trip planning resources.