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In collaboration with Southern Oregon University, Travel Southern Oregon, and Travel Oregon, we’re offering an immersive program to help you get involved in sustainable tourism. Join us June 1st and 2nd in the Rogue Valley for the second cohort of our Sustainable Tourism Professional Training. Brought to you by the continued support and collaboration of Travel Southern Oregon, Travel Oregon and SOU Institute for Applied Sustainability, this training is offered free of charge. Those who work in the tourism and hospitality industry are encouraged to attend. Participants will also learn first-hand how sustainable tourism intersects with Travel Oregon’s 10-Year Strategic Vision.
In addition to the training workshop from 1-4 p.m., there’s an optional bike ride and dinner:
The training is limited to 50 participants. Lodging is available at a discounted rate through Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites. To book call the hotel directly and ask for the Sustainable Tourism Training group discount, 541-482-8310.