Stay Home, Save Lives

In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, Governor Brown released an Executive Order “Stay Home, Save Lives” on March 23. The policy orders Oregonians to stay in their homes whenever possible and includes stronger language around approved activities and business operations.

Communication resources that help inform the public around this message have been created. We are asking our partners around the state to utilize this messaging to share information on how Oregonians can stay home and save lives. There are two sets of content and assets available. Please use the content that speaks best to your audience.

  • Governor Brown’s statewide public awareness campaign is intended for those who are not staying home, as well as thanking essential workers for their service. This material will appear statewide on television, radio, social media and more.
  • The “Stay Home, Save Lives,” public service announcement includes social media material that has been translated into eight languages. The main social tiles are updated as new daily messages posted on Oregon Health Authority’s COVID-19 page.

Additional information is available on Travel Oregon’s COVID-19 toolkit.