In this issue:
- Governor’s Conference Announces Opening and Closing Sessions
- 14th Annual Frontliners Conference
- Stakeholders Share Their Greatest Needs to Rebuilt Oregon’s Tourism Economy
- Reminder: Why Guides Registration is Open
- “Unsavory Times” Virtual Premiere on April 21
Upcoming Virtual Events
- April 21, Virtual Premiere of “Unsavory Times”
- April 21, 14th Annual Frontliners Conference
- April 22, Exploring Vaccinations and Emerging Consumer Adaptations
- May 4, OTIS Training
- May 11, Oregon Tourism Commission Meeting
- June 1, OTIS Training
- June 15-16, 2021 Oregon Governor’s Conference on Tourism
- June 16, Stakeholder Workshop: A Transformational Strategy for Oregon Tourism
Upcoming Deadlines
- Nominations for Oregon Governor’s Conference on Tourism Awards, end of day April 16
- USDA Value Added Producer Grants Applications, due April 29
- Why Guides Registration, closes April 30
- Feedback on draft 2021-23 regional strategic plans, due May 3
- Cultural Trust Cultural Development Program Applications, due May 7
- Preserving Oregon Grants Applications, due May 12
- Oregon Outdoor Recreation Summit Session Proposals, due June 4
- Oregon Heritage Grants Applications, due Oct. 2021
Research & Reports
- COVID-19 Data Report (April 5)
- COVID-19 Oregon Travel Quarterly Report
- Statewide Lodging Monthly Report (Feb. 2021)
- Statewide Lodging Weekly Report (March 28)
- Oregon Monthly Barometer (Feb. 2021)
- Golf and Golf Tourism Economic Impacts (2019)
- U.S. Travel’s Fact Sheet: Travel’s Dramatic Losses in 2020
- Agritourism and On-Farm Direct Sales Survey: Results for the U.S.
- The Economic Impact of the Wine and Wine Grape Industries on the Oregon Economy 2019 and 2020 Estimated
- Oregon Outdoor Recreation Economic Impact Study
- 2020 Oregon Tourism Workforce Assessment
- Destinations International COVID-19 Resources & Research
- COVID-19 Travel Industry Monitor